Cassey Ho, the founder of Blogilates, a fitness and lifestyle firm, launched Blogi Comics. The comics depict Ho’s actual experiences as a fitness instructor as well as her relevant perspective on everyday life. Daniel Kordek, a freelance illustrator, created the comics. Kordek’s style is simplistic and cartoony, yet he wonderfully conveys Ho’s personality and sense of humor. The comics frequently consist of amusing captions. She has 583,000 Instagram folllowers.
Her comics also address issues that girls and women confront, such as body image issues and fitness troubles, as well as relationship dramas and social media embarrassment. It can be both affirming and soothing to see your experiences represented in a hilarious way. Blogi Comics questions gender preconceptions regarding femininity and feminine behavior. The characters are frequently untidy, imperfect, and shameless, which can be refreshing and empowering. If you are bored and want to enjoy the best comics, then feel free to explore the following section.
Credit: Blogi Comics
For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website
#1. Christmas

#2. Period Personality

The comics usually portray supportive and amusing friendships, emphasizing the value of these bonds in the lives of women. Blogi Comics ultimately promotes self-acceptance and body positivity by making fun of relatable issues. Cassey’s message supports embracing flaws and feeling comfortable in your own flesh. Her comics are usually entertaining and relatable to her large fan base.
#3. Last Day

#4. Making a Smoothie

When Cassey was questioned about why she decided to enter the comics industry, she replied, “I know that even if I work as a trainer at a gym, my work doesn’t end here. Nonetheless, I lead by example in the fitness industry. It is my responsibility to do everything in my power to help people heal while feeling confident, upbeat, and content with their bodies. Blogi comics are a Fantastic source of inspiration and humor. They are also an excellent means of making new friends who share your passion for exercise and healthy living.
#5. Happy Thanks Giving