As human, we all are afraid of death and we should be but what if you are dead and after that, you have the fear of death this is the thing that the Artist describes in the this comic strip.
His name is Adam Foreman A creative mind behind the comic strip Called slice of mellow. He is a game designer who started a comic strip during the pandemic. He creates comics when his son falls asleep with his pice of mind. He is also the author of the graphic novel book Of the Slice of mallow. He got the idea of mellow from the candy Mr. Malow which he loved to eat from his childhood.
His comics feature the mallow who explores the humorous world with his friend Ghost Potato a slice of pizza. His comics are full of quicery movement which everyone can relate to. You must learn a lesson if you are a father from him, how he manages his son and his work at the same time. He has 19k followers on his Instagram page where he posts his four-panel comics every Friday. Here are his 20 silly and humor comics for you to have a chuckle for your good day
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