20 Introvert Doodles Comics Whoes Dog Can Pass Comment In Humors Way

  A story that begins with the Intervot person who gets the attention that an introverted person never seeks. She describes her Introvert life with her dog.

Her name is Maureen Marzi Wilson a person who portrays her introverted life with her Dog named Koko. She is a girl who is trying to fit in the extrovert world. She started her journey with her DIY store project. What introverts can do is just sit in the house and spend time chasing their dreams but she tells the world how introvert lives their life with a PET.

Her comics are full of joy for the people who are introverts and also have a pet around them which they love to spend time with. She entered the World of Webcomics in 2015, and the door of her luck was open she got featured in Buzzfeed and many other newspapers which as an introvert she never thought of. She is the author of five books Introvert Doodles + Introvert Activity Book + Kind of Coping + Little Book of Big Feelings + Positively Introverted ORDER:

  that any artist can only dream of to portray their thoughts in that huge collection. Here are her 20 pet comics for you to enjoy.

 Credit introvert doodles

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