Understanding the meaning helps to solve many problems, but what if, after understanding, you find yourself lost in deep thoughts? This is what the artist has portrayed here.
The creative and talented person behind this strip is Zain. Their ability to inject humor into complex themes demonstrates a deep understanding of both comedy and the human experience, making each piece not only entertaining but also thought-provoking. The artist’s comics will have a long-lasting effect on your mind and make you laugh in the dark. The artist has covered many controversial topics, without hurting anyone’s sentiments.
The artist’s comics portray the hilarious story of the boy who always finds himself dealing with the dark world even if he is in office or at home. The artist has been working in the industry for more than four years and has gathered a fan following of 3000 on Instagram. Check out his top 20 comics that I gathered for your entertainment.
Credit zainy person
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