20 Comics of Artist Who Turn Her Witchcraft Teaching into Humor

It’s a duo of  Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich making all of us laugh for the past decade. Yes, these have been creating comics since 2011. Their 4-panel comic name is War and Peas. They both met at the University of Art in Germany. You can enjoy these comics on every Sunday.

 Their comics feature a witch and fatally laid-back Grim Reaper. Their comics are full of humor, if you believe in or not in witch crafting they will tell you about it in a humorous way, which you will not only enjoy, you will find relatable. if you are a religious person you will not find these comics according to your beliefs, don’t get offended just enjoy their other comics.

 The book they wrote was translated into Spanish and German which is the best thing you can enjoy their comics without feeling any language barriers. They have 1 million loving followers on their Instagram page. Now get ready for the ride of 20 humor comics I collected for you to enjoy don’t forget to share it with a friend who believes in witchcraft. 

Profile info Facebook | Instagram | warandpeas

#1 Ginger Lemon

4 panel comic by War and Peas: 1. Panel: A little girl summoned a demon. The demon goes, "Feed me fresh souls!" 2. Panel: The girl answers "I only have tea." 3. Panel: "It's ginger lemon." 4. Panel: The demon goes, "Tea is fine, too!"

#2 Doctor Dog

Panel 1: Doctor Dog storms into the operating theater. His assistant shouts, "Doctor Dog! We have to operate!"
2nd panel: Doctor Dog starts chasing his tail and growling. His assistant shouts, "Quick, Doctor Dog! We don't have much time!"
3rd panel: Doctor Dog can't stop. He says, "Just a moment! This guy have been following me all day!"
Panel 4: Doctor Dog stands sad and angry at the window of his office. He is smoking a cigarette and on his desk is a piece of paper that says "Medical Mal-Practice Lawsuit."

#3 Allergies

4 panel by War and Peas: 1. An alien speaks to the reader: "Our species is superior to yours in every way." 2. "We don't have the concept of gender. And we reproduce by sneezing." 3. "However, life is difficult if you have allergies. Like Zorp." 4. Jump to another alien (Zora) who is surrounded by dozens of children. He looks tired.

#4 Ancient Aliens

4 panel comic by War and Peas: 1. two pharaohs from ancient egypt are standing in front of a pyramid whose construction is nearing completion. One says to the other, "You've outdone yourself this time, Babuthep." 2. he continues, "You'll be remembered for this throughout history!" 3. "It's a testament to human ingenuity." 4. time jump to the present day. At an alien conference, someone speaks to an audience, "It was aliens!"

#5 Happy End


#6 Lucky

Funny comic by War and Peas

#7 Order

War and Peas - Order - Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich

#8 Hi Earth

War and Peas – Hi Earth – Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich

#9 Dog Date

War and Peas - Dog Date - Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich

#10 Giant Cock

War and Peas - Giant Cock - Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich

#11 Z Day

Funny comic by War and Peas:
1. Panel: A man and a woman sit next to each other on a bench. The man says, "When I'm dead I want to be cremated."

2. Panel: "I want my ashes to be buried and one day a beautiful tree will grow out of them."

3. Panel: The woman answers: "No way! I'm going to be part of the Zombie apocalypse and not just a boring tree!"

4. Panel: "Later..." The woman has turned into a zombie and the man has become a tree. The zombie says, "Harhar!" and the tree thinks "Damn"

#12 Secret Agent

War and Peas - Secret Agent - Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich

#13 9Lives2Many

War and Peas - 9Lives2Many - Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich

#14 Boobs

War and Peas - Boobs - Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich

# 15 Sit Down

War and Peas - Sit Down - Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz

#16 Ancient Egypt Age

War and Peas - Ancient Egyptian Age - Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich

#17 CEO

War and Peas - CEO -  Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich

#18 Life of the Party

War and Peas - Life of the Party - By Elizabetth Pich and Jonathan Kunz

#19 Constrictor

War and Peas - Boa Constrictor - By Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz

#20 The Good Stuff

War and Peas – The Good Stuff – Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz

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