20 Warheads Comics Portrays The Humorous Story Of Bold Man Trying to Adjust In the Human World

When you enter in new environment it is not easy to adjust, the artist’s comics portray a hilarious story of a man who trying to be part of the human world.

The artist has chosen humorous topics of two friends learning to be part of adult life one of them is new in this world and the other one is introvert. Everything is fresh and unfamiliar to them, making their journey full of surprises and misunderstandings. The new adult’s mistakes and misunderstandings often lead to funny situations, especially when combined with the introverted friend’s cautious and sometimes awkward approach to life.

Their friendship becomes a source of strength, helping them both to cope with the ups and downs of growing up. The artist has been working in this industry for more than six years and has gained a fan following of 21000 on Instagram. Watch out for the 20 comics that I gathered for your entertainment.

Credit Warheads Comics 

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