20 Surely The Worst Comics With Perfect Blend Dark Humor and Comedy

There should be a balance between dark humor and witty humor, the artist’s comics came up to draw a line between dark humor and comedy.


Michael McCartney is a creative and talented person who brought this strip to you. The artist’s comics have boundaries between fun and dark humor. The artist’s comics are most of the time about current events that will make you relate to them more. The artist’s comics are loaded with dark twists that will stun you for an instant time. The comics will make you laugh out loud.

The artist’s comics are related to the actor’s community or their recent statements. The artist has been working in this society of webcomics for more than seven years but he has only gathered the following of 800, go and support him. Check out his top 20 comics that will get you on the ride of joy.

Credit surely the worst

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