20 Stephen Comics That Will Make You Laugh In Dark

Comics that portray dark humor are not funny at the same time but the artist describes the dark humor that will make you laugh and you will be shocked at the same time.

The creative and innovative person behind this strip is Stephen, you can imagine the level of humor of the artist by seeing his profile pick where he draws the hen making step hen comcs. The artist’s comics are a balance of dark and witty humor so that users are engaged and don’t get bored, in every panel artist balance these things. The artist’s comics have a unique style and tell the grip over the story the artist can portray. His comics are a blend of perfect comedy and dark humor.

The artist’s comics speak up on many national and international political topics and he likes to speak on the harsh reality of this society that everyone tries to hide. The artist has gained a following of 1700 through his hard work of one year. Here are the best of his 20 comics that I gathered for you to enjoy.

Credit Step Hen comic

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