20 Skeleton Claw Comics With Unexpected Twists That Will Crack You Up

The game of twits and turns really matters while portraying the dark humor, the artist has lifted the game of unexpected turns that will get you to chuckle fest.


The creative and innovative person behind this strip is Andy, a man with intrusive thoughts and master level dark humor. The artist’s comics portray the hilarious world of skeletons, where they live a life dipped in dark humor that makes you laugh out loud. Each panel in this comic strip has its dark meaning and will have a never-lasting effect on your mind.

The artist’s comics will get you into another dimension where your mind will be shocked. The artist has been working in this industry for more than four years and has gathered a following of 50000 on Instagram. Check out his 20 best and latest comics that will bring the simile to your face

Credit skeleton_claw

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