20 Rdsto Nowhere Comics Portrays A Life That Is Not Going According To Plan

Everybody has their plan to work on and carry that plan to achieve something they want but the artist portrays the story of a character whose life is hell and he can’t do anything about it.


A creative and innovative person behind this strip is Ryan Rds, a person with a hilarious and dark mind whose comics are like a hope for people struggling with their lives. The artist carries a story of a man whose plans are not going well and he tries his best to get out but all in vain. Everybody has problems that they can overcome but the the artist’s character problems are increasing daily. The artist’s comics are hopeful for people passing through tough times that you can face all of them and one you can ride of them.

The artist’s comics are relatable and loaded with dark humor. The artist’s comics portray every problem that man has to face in their life. The artist has been part of this webcomics industry for over 12 years and earns a following of 9k on Instagram. Here are the best comics that are going to make your day better.

Credit rdstonowhere

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