20 Dinosaurcouch Illustrating The Life Of Danoure Couple

The species that is gone a long time ago what if they started living in a relationship of this era? The artist portrays the same thing in the comics Dinosaurcouch

The two creative and innovative are Stewart and  K Roméy where Steward works on the storyline and Romey presents us in the form of webcomics. The story characters’ names are  T-Rex And Alex who are a lovely couple. Romey lives in Finland and Steward lives in Canada, the internet makes this world globe village.

The couple lives in their small community and shares their glamorous life with us. It’s true when two minds work on something the result will be a masterpiece, They have 4.3 million followers on their Instagram page. They have been working in this field since 2019. Here are 20 comics to make your day better.

Credit Dinosaurcouch

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