20 Comics Loaded With Dark Humour By Eat My Paint

Many artists can make Dark Humor comics but the dark humor portrayed by this artist will stunt you and make you think that you have not seen any dark humor in your entire life. The artist’s level of dark humor is at its peak.


The creative mind behind this strip is Lloyd, A person who didn’t upgrade himself, he draws comics using MS Paint where everyone is using the latest software and devices he finds it unique to use it. The artist says it is easy to use and budget-friendly. The reason behind the name of this strip is MS Paint. His comics are the same as other artists and he loves to portray dark humor.

His are unique in the way that from the start you will never notice the dark humor coming but the end of the panel will tell you how dark it was. The artist has 111k followers on his Instagram account. He has been in this world of webcomics since 2016. Here are his 20 comics that will make your day joyfull.

Credit eatmypaint

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