20 deep and dark comics by comic artist Leigh Rubin. They all have hilarious endings

In the realm of comic genius, ideas transcend all rational constraints, and Lee H. Rubin is a master of dreams in this brilliant universe. Using the simple yet impactful Instagram handle @rubescartoons, Ruben welcomes nearly 2,500 feet inside his perplexed world, where laughing is the norm and the tradition is unheard of.

Every board that Rubin creates makes people laugh a lot and emphasizes the beauty of effortlessness—where the commonplace situation is seamlessly integrated with the spectacular. Rubin’s children’s shows have a humorous bent while also skewering the complexities of the human condition with a deft hand and an acute eye for life’s oddities. Rubin’s presentation does not pause. His children’s programs pique people’s interest in everyday interactions.

Credit Leigh Rubin

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